Harvard Family Medicine

Patient Information

Please find below information and consent forms, our insurance and payment policies, and helpful patient resources for health education.

Online Patient Portal

Harvard Family Medicine offers a secure online portal for sharing medical information with patients. Visit our portal at harvardfamily.myupdox.com. To access your information, you will need an ID and password provided by our office, or a Fax ID and password for viewing a fax from our office.


Insurance & Payment Polices

We accept most insurance plans. Please contact our office to confirm. The patient (or legal guardian in case of a minor) is responsible for understanding the coverage of the insurance policy. Co-Pays are due at the time of your visit.

Patient Resources & Education

Family Medicine
We don’t just treat patients...
we care for families.
Meet Dr. Gustafson
Dr. Gustafson
“I look after my patients like they were my own family. I think they deserve that kind of attention.”